Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baltimore farmers market days and locations

From the Johns Hopkins University's sustainability listserv, here's a list of farmers markets in the Baltimore area.  You can subscribe to this listerv here: https://lists.johnshopkins.edu/sympa/info/sustainable_hopkins

Or contact the authors at:
The Johns Hopkins Sustainability Office
3001 Remington Ave
Baltimore, MD 21211

Our Mission:  To make Johns Hopkins University a showpiece of environmental leadership by demonstrating smart, sensible and creative actions that promote the vision of sustainability.

The farmers markets, by day:

Baltimore City Farmers’ Markets: Eat Sustainably!
Sunday Markets:

Baltimore Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 8:00am- 12:00pmNoon (May 2 - December 19)
Location: Saratoga Street between Holliday and Gay Streets
Tuesday Markets:

Village of Cross Keys Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 10:00am- 2:00pm (June 1 - October 26)
Location: 5100 Falls Road, Parking Lot
University Farmers' Market
Dates/Times: 10:30am- 2:30pm (May 11 - November 23)
Location: Plaza Park, Paca Street
Wednesday Markets:

Park Heights Community Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 9:30am- 2:30pm (June 2 - November 24)
Location: 5201 Park Heights Avenue (Pimlico Race Course Parking Lot)

State Center Community Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 10:00am- 2:00pm (June 2 - October 27)
Location: 201 West Preston Street

Mt. Washington Whole Foods Market Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 4:00pm- 6:30pm (June 9 - November 17)
Location: 5800 Cottonworth Avenue

Thursday Markets:

John Hopkins Hospital Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 10:00am- 2:00pm (May 6 – November)
Location: Jefferson Street pathway near Cancer Research Buildings

Saturday Markets:

32nd Street/Waverly Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 7:00am- 12:00pm (All Year)
Location: 400 block of E. 32nd Street

Howard Park Community Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 7:30am- 3:00pm (May 22 - December 18)
Location: 4700 Block of Liberty Heights Ave

Highlandtown Farmers' Market
Date/Time: 8:00am- 12:00pm (July 10 - October 9)
Location: The corner of Bank St. and S. Conkling St.
Baltimore Museum of Industry (BMI) Farmers' Market
Dates/Time: 9:00am- 1:00pm (June 5 - September 25)
Location: 1415 Key Highway

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