Hear ye, hear ye: Baltimore Green Week is about to start! The official kickoff is this Friday night at the Walters Art Museum.
Don't miss the Ecofestival at Druid Hill Park on Saturday.
Check the webpage for the other events, such as a tour of the harbor via Coast Guard cruiser, meetings with Mayor Dixon and other city officials to discuss new local green initiatives, a green building tour, and workshops about public health and policies, building green communities and workplaces, and greening the economy by creating new green-collar jobs.
All events are free and open to the public.
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Peter @ enviromanBlog*Star
Environmental blog: Enviroman Says
(floods in England, polar ice and ice caps at moutain peaks melting, I think more severe and frequent hurricanes in US, rain when it is supposed to be a dry season in my country, someone from Queensland
recently contacted me if I noticed the weather changing. I replied when I was young I had to sleep under the blanket, but now I sleep topless. If I remembered, he said it is freezing in tropical Queensland
and now he has to sleep under a blanket. Please folks, take good care of our one and only Spaceship Earth which have no lifeboat. It may not affect us severely now, but it has every chance of severely
affecting our future generations. Then they will have lots to be "thankful to us)
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