Saturday, November 27, 2010

Meet kohlrabi

As my Thanksgiving food offering this year, I arranged a raw veggie tray that included sliced kohlrabi.  More than one of the dinner guests had never seen it or heard of it before, so as a public service, here's some information about the humble kohlrabi.

Ever since kohlrabi first appeared in a CSA delivery from our local One Straw Farm, I've been a fan.  It looks like a UFO with leaves and tastes like raw peas.  A quick Google search tells me that yes, you can eat the leaves, and stems too.

Excerpted from the FarmgirlFare blog link below:

Kohlrabi, from the German words kohl (cabbage) and rabi (turnip), is not actually a cabbage or a turnip. Cultivated in Europe since at least the mid 1500's, this cold loving member of the brassica (cabbage) family is low in calories, high in fiber, and a good source of several vitamins and minerals. Although kohlrabi has been grown the U.S. since at least the early 1800's, it still has yet to become very popular.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

They call it the "orange of the north" because of its vitamin contents.

To prepare for traditional dinners, they boil a big one with 2-3 carrots. (Slice it so it cooks faster). Then drain and mash with the carrots. Add salt and pepper to taste. Very good side dish to holiday dishes.