Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle

"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race." - H.G. Wells

Since the weather has been warming up and the garden is mostly planted, I've been dusting off my bike and revisiting some links I'd collected over the winter...

Here are some local bike resources:

Joe’s Bike Shop in Mount Washington


Light Street Cycles


The Bicycle Connection, Cockeysville


Lutherville Bike Shop


The Velocipede bike project


REI in Timonium – this national chain is doing good work with renewable energy!


Good resource for bike maintenance and repair:


BG's favorite biking haunts in MD:

NCR Trail, B&A Trail, & BWI Airport loop
- Google these for links.

Loch Raven Reservoir
- there are a bunch of mountain bike trails around the reservoir, and every weekend the county closes Loch Raven Dr. for pedestrian use. A good spot to drop in is at the intersection of E. Seminary Rd. and Providence Rd. Lots of nice single track back there.

Fair Hill Natural Resource Management Area
-A great place in MD to mountain bike. Something like 80+ miles of single track, plus horse trails, fireroads, open fields. You can spend an entire day there and not see it all. It's way up near Elkton MD, but worth the drive for a weekend ride through the woods. Lots of nice technical trails too!

Thanks to my friend BG, avid mountain biker, for his input on this post.

1 comment:

Liquid Roof said...

Nice Post here, And the Links are good referrals.