A few notes from the green building tour I took at the Greenbuild 2013 conference in Philadelphia recently...
This tour (TF06)was called "Rebirth of a Neighborhood: Going Green in
Northern Liberties and Kensington," and included
residences constructed by Onion Flats
(Rag Flats and The Twins), Kensington
CAPA school, and Postgreen
rowhouses (100k and Skinny).
Rowhouses in
Philadelphia's working-class neighborhoods are often of bandbox or trinity
type, constructed with a central staircase.
The residences we visited incorporated sustainable features such as
pervious paving, plyboo (bamboo plywood), rain chains, intensive green roofs, SIPs, induction cooktops, radiant floor slab
heating, ERV Ultimate Air RecoupAerator
fans, skylights for minimal electric lighting, HVAC hydronic distribution, and
mini-split heat pumps. It was noted that
the use of SIPs allowed builders to avoid thermal bridging by hanging joists on
the inside face of SIP walls as with rimboard deck construction. In-floor storage and no second floor heating
contributed to overall efficiency.
The Kensington High
School for Creative And Performing Arts (CAPA) features large windows and
sawtooth roof construction to allow for maximum daylight, along with solar
panels, geothermal wells, and heat pumps for optimal energy efficiency. Much attention was given to community
revitalization in this transitional neighborhood: for instance, the 500-foot deep rainwater
tank was buried onsite lest it be punctured by drive-by shootings. The school was constructed on a remediated
brownfield with special considerations for stormwater management and public
transportation access.
See more photos here.